
This Witch's Halloween Wishes

Safety Witch’s Wish

We Witches
Found niches
Giving safety spiel pitches,
Solving holiday hitches
and all Hallow's Eve glitches

We Witches
Get twitches
To break out our switches
And remind children, so dandy,
Not to eat so much candy.

We witches
Have wishes
To avoid stitches
On children, so sweet,
Who run into the street.

We witches
Give kisses
And countless cheek-pinches
To children, so smart,
Who reflect light in the dark.

We witches
Serve dishes,
Scrumptious, delicious
To children, so neat,
Whose adult checks their treats.

We witches
Would give riches,
Watch all alleys and ditches
To guard children from strangers
And all Halloween dangers.

By Raimie Harrison

Please be safe this Halloween!

p.s. Be sure to "like" The Prairie Hen's Nest on Facebook to see ideas for healthy, Paleo-style, common allergen-free lunches for your little schoolies.


  1. Oh my goodness, the fingers actually look real! How fun! :-)

  2. You're really too witchly creative!!

  3. Wow, you are quite a poet, along with many other talents you display! I don't look at blogs very often, but am glad I stopped by today! I liked the J's comment too!
    Barb K.


Thank you for stopping by. Your comments make me smile.