
Coop 'N Yard: Puddle-jumpers

Dear Readers,

These are the best twenty dollars I spend every year.

My baby-cakes love them and are happy to house their tootsies in these cuties.

Here's my top reasons for adding them to the my mothering arsenal:

1. They are easy to clean.
2. They are easy to find in messy bedrooms.
3. They are easy to put on.
4. They match almost anything.  If they don't match they get passed off as eccentric child choices -- when I can't find two matching shoes.
5. They save all their other shoes from the agony of mud, grime, grease, and general filth that abounds around, okay, and sometimes in our house.
6. They look cute on the wrong feet.
7. They even come in my size.

These are on my wishlist.

Boots Made For Slopping in NE

P.S. Depending on your child's growth, you may not even have to buy them every year. 


  1. loving the boots...mine are black with multi colored polka dots. They have saved me from many a snake bites while out to the chickens or garden. Agreed best 20 bucks ever!!

  2. We've managed to get 2 years out of our boots so far - definitely the best 20 bucks spent every time we have to buy new ones! They are awesome for convention too - then I don't stress about getting new shoes muddy/dirty, the kids can still play outdoors when it's yucky out, and EVERYONE thinks they're SO cute!

  3. dear Cute t'boot,

    I used this salutation on somebody elses post about boots already, but it works again here!

    I sure love seeing them on kids...and other people too. We have had some plain black chore boots over the years, but none this cute.

    Black, but too boring for puddlejumpers

  4. Boots are to you (they're cute, by the way) as sandals are to me. Have to have a new pair every year. ;)

  5. My three oldest use to have puddle jumpers...maybe it's time to get Kinzie a pair.

  6. We went to get some last year for the first time--thought they'd be perfect at BC conv. with all the rain/mud they were having. Unfortunately they were all sold out by then.
    After we moved to the country this spring, I knew they were a must! We grabbed them from Target when they first came in!

  7. loooovin' the boots! When Jacob was born someone actually gave us a pair of little boots (well, he didn't get to wear them until he was 2) and they were the cutest things ever! They looked like little frogs. I've been looking for some for Lia but haven't found any yet - they don't make them small enough for her. :(


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