
I Give You, My Family

Dear Reader,

This is Mr. Loggerhead. He is my husband, friend and companion on this breathtaking trek called, Life.

Why 'Loggerhead'? Well, first-off, I am convinced he is descended from loggers (you would be too if you saw his winter beard). Add the fact that he is as stubborn as the day is long. 

Besides, I happen to think Loggerheads are handsome creatures!

Then there is Lissie Bee. Our daughter is the breath of girly air I need when things get messy.

She can be just as big of a booger-brain as her brothers... but at least she is a girl one! I'm so glad I have her.

HE came along when God knew we needed another child more than we did. T-boy has been the sweetest and most intense kind of son since day one.

Life would be so boring without him. Who would teach us patience and watchfulness then?
Boy number two joined our crew not so long ago. The precious-Icle-Puss, Our little Pip, is still deciding who he wants to be.

Right now he is Easy-P-Z and I'm hoping he doesn't change his mind. Easy is fine with me!

Are you starting to see the busyness of my life, the piles of laundry, the mouths gaping open to be fed? It's all flashing before my eyes just talking about it! Too bad there are no words for the love that fills my heart or the joy I find in my little family. Maybe you understand anyway.



  1. Loggerhead?!?! It's perfect, really!
    Love the pic of Pip in his sweater!

  2. Papa and Nana Key say....Yay, we are going to enjoy this! Thankyou dear daughter...(and the rest of your sweet family) for being who you are....and for sharing the 'Rae-l'story!


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