
Christmas {joy}

Christmas Morning
These feet came tripping down the stairs very early. Eager beavers; their efforts at silence would have been admirable if not for the giggly expelling of excited-breaths which couldn't be disguised. 

No more dancing visions of sugar plums, the house was awake.

There was a short visit from the Grinch-mother. She forced one small Who have her hair combed and the whole Who family to brush their teeth.

All that excited morning-breath was polluting the Christmas cheer. 

But we very quickly found our cheer again.

I think it may have been hiding in the pages of The Gingerbread Man.

There they are, my three sweetlings, reminding me of angels, blessings, songs of thanksgiving.

But not for long!

Let's all remember exactly how normal things are around here.
Very little room for angelic behavior.

"Mother, are you trying to distract us from the presents?"

No, alas, son, I was mostly trying to capture this Christmas-jammied moment forever in the snow-globe of my memory. So someday when I can no longer make you wear candy-striped, blanket-sleepers and your sister would rather die than put on co-ordinating mommy-daughter PJ's, then I can get out this little globe of a day past, shake it up and watch the years fall away, watch the sparkle of Christmas joy fall like snow on the wonderland that is my life as your mother.

"Oh, Mom! Why you getting so silly?"

You are right, child! No time for tears or sentimentality today.

And, Oh, the anticipation is high.

Let the joy (and chaos) begin.

The blur of gifts, sleighs instead of stockings, coupons from Felicity, teasing from daddy, flying wrapping paper, torn tissue, each child in the spotlight for his or her turn, exclamations of sheer glee when the thing they wanted most was unwrapped, And an overall sense of just enough and not too much.

And a fabulous frittata to brunch on.
Plates cleaned.
A nap needed.

I loved it all. These holidays I spend with family, whether in big bunches or just our smaller crew, always give me a feeling of great comfort and warmth. They are my favorite.

So yes, son, I will snap these pictures of you. I will savor these days and I will save them in my way - in memory, by heart, in words jotted and photos taken. I will collect every single one I can. 

Because these are limited editions and they are going to be priceless in the future.

Wishing you all days full of joy and light. Your friendship touches me and I thank you for following along. Hope your Christmas was merry and your New year will be happy!



  1. LOVE, LOVE those pictures of your 3 kids--SO sweet. Looks like some fun memories made there!

  2. I love your blog, Raimie! These pictures and memories are so adorable. AND so exciting about your new baby on the way! :-) xoxo

  3. Limited editions. What a brilliant way to say it. It's absolutely the truth.

  4. So sweet. Looks like a wonderful day.


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