
Game Face (Photo Fiend Rally)

Dear Reader,
What is a girl to do when surrounded by a bunch of boys?

A bunch of boys playing a game to conquer the world, the game of Risk.

Life is risky.

If a girl's gonna make it she's gotta be tough

and get her game face on.

Sometimes pictures really are worth a thousand words.

In this case, yours might be worth twenty-five smackeroos.

.What does your favorite game face look like?  Is it you? Your child? Pick out one of your photos that could be titled 'Got my game face on'. Upload your photo to the group pool, tag it 'Game Face' and I will pick my favorite. The winner will receive a $25 Amazon Gift card. 

Clarification: Your picture does not have to be of someone playing a board game. It can be a funny/interesting facial expression while playing anything. Playing a sport, playing with toys, playing with your sister... It's all out getting your "game face on". Your mojo. Your spirit. Get it?

Don't get caught by the "I don't have a chance" bug. Get caught up in the game!

Rules: One entry per person.

You must have the rights to the photo you enter.

Get your entry in the "mail" by Friday, December 18th at 4:30 PM CST

Winner will be posted Saturday morning.

Ah-ha, let the games begin!

I'm looking forward to seeing every entry.



  1. love these GAME FACES of KitKat!

  2. Her faces crack me up! We haven't played games a whole lot in the last couple years, but last night we played a crazy fun one when we had visitors here. Sure should have had some pictures then!

  3. Funny! I have a couple fun Game Faces from one of our new years' with Chips/Griesers!

  4. So, how did she do in the game? I like to play Risk and someday maybe I'll win.

  5. What a cutie your sister is... she looks like you?

  6. cute photos!!! i was only 4+ hours late with posting a photo to your contest, but now i know how to do it and I just have to remember to check your blog more often!!! that was fun!
    love you, 'auntie' cyndie

  7. Sigh! Really? Just one? HOW do I decide?! :)

  8. oh, my. she looks like you, then she looks like Heidi, then she looks like you, then she looks like Landon, then gma Cilla, then Heidi.....I LOVE IT!!!

    Are those all me? hehe



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